LymeHope is a Canadian national charitable organization that facilitates and provides education, outreach, research, hope, support and resources to Canadians on the subject of Lyme & related diseases in Canada.
A ground-breaking research study on Lyme and Pregnancy has launched, led by Canadian Principal Investigator Dr. Elizabeth Darling and team from the McMaster University Midwifery Research Centre. … Read More... about Ground-Breaking Lyme and Pregnancy Research Launches!
Living with Lyme disease has taken over my life. It took me in a completely opposite trajectory that I had planned for. And I spent a lot of time and energy hiding my illness from people, which has … Read More... about St. Thomas Times Journal – What living with Lyme disease is like
At the end of July 2020, an email was sent from the Public Health Agency of Canada to various stakeholders regarding optimization of the Lyme disease webpages on Proposed format and … Read More... about Canadian Advocates Collective Response to Public Health Agency of Canada’s Website Optimization on Lyme disease